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Science Museum: Phase I

2011: Outline Masterplan Phase I

Metaphor worked closely with the Senior Management team at the Science Museum to develop the principles of a masterplan for the Museum. We looked at the museum’s stories and physical estate to explore how the two could be brought together to reveal a strategic vision for the museum. A number of priorities for the museum and next steps were identified.


2012: Detailed Study: Service Entrances and Object Movement 

This detailed study followed on from the Masterplan and Metaphor were asked to produce: outline functional briefs for the service entrances and loading bays, temporary exhibition gallery loading strategy, recommendations for short-term improvements to the Imperial College Road Entrance, object handling strategy including object movement routes, summary of knock on spatial effects and significant dependencies and recommendations for sequencing projects. 


2013: Medical Galleries Feasibility Study 

Metaphor were asked to test the feasibility of converting the Medical Galleries (on the 4th and 5th floors) into high-end corporate and private events space. We undertook a spatial capacity, spatial planning including ways of accommodating certain functions, a fire escape review to increase the existing capacity for escape arrangement and a cost plan.

Service: Masterplanning


Client: Science Museum Group

Realisation: 2011, 2012 and 2013

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