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Plymouth Mayflower 400 Feasibility Study

Metaphor completed a feasibility study on a broad portfolio of activities associated with the commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower sailing to America. Our work focused on two potential ‘trails’: one connecting key historic sites celebrating the Mayflower in Plymouth itself and one linking Plymouth to the cities in the UK that the  Pilgrims came from.


In Plymouth, we proposed ways to transform the city into a key tourist destination with a unique visitor offer for the Mayflower 400 celebrations. Our goal was to create a compelling visitor journey throughout the city, encouraging visitors to move from one historical site to another and allowing them to learn about the Mayflower’s history in new, dynamic ways. To this end, we analysed the city’s streetscape assets, buildings and audiences. We worked with Hosta, our business planner, and Serious, a performing arts organisation, to devise a cohesive Mayflower story that would inform and consolidate the individual narratives of the city’s heritage and cultural assets.

We then advised on ways to animate the Mayflower Experience and ensure that it appeals to as broad an audience as possible, considering the digital offer, events opportunities, community engagement projects and educational strategies.

Service: Masterplanning


Client: Plymouth City Council


Realisation: 2017

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