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The Permanent Holocaust Exhibitions

Metaphor designed the award-winning permanent Holocaust Exhibition at the Imperial War Museum which opened in June 2000 to critical acclaim. The galleries, the first of their kind in Britain, educate over 600,000 visitors a year to this day, including 25,000 teachers and school children.

The 1,500 sqm of exhibition space innovatively intergrates personal stories, survivor testimony, film, artefacts and the historical narrative into one seamless experience. This holistic approach was ground-breaking for its time, communicating not only what happened but also eloquently capturing the horror and loss of the Holocaust.

From the entrance on, our designs skillfully transport the visitor into a distinct world with a different tone, feel and pace than the rest of the Museum. The exhibitions thus become a separate space for reflection and contemplation as well as education. 

Service: Exhibition Design


Client: Imperial War Museum


Cost: £2.7 million


Realisation: 2000

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