Perth Museum
"Perth Museum ‘smashes’ target with 100,000 visitors since March" - M&H Adviser headline in July 2024
For the last 12 years, the city centre of Perth has been marked by an empty building: the City Hall. This originally housed two halls where concerts, dances, political meetings and even boxing matches were held.
We are working closely with Perth and Kinross Council and Mecanoo Architects to reconceptualise the Museum, re-design its exhibitions, and fulfil the potential offered by Mecanoo’s revitalised City Hall.
The Museum’s collections span many thousands of years, from prehistory to the medieval era and into the modern day, and traverse everything from the history of the Kings of Scotland to ordinary people and everyday objects from Perth High Street and beyond. The breadth of the collection offers the exciting challenge of telling multiple different stories in a coherent, cohesive, and engaging way.
Our ambitious design allows for immersive, theatrical spaces in which people of any age can playfully engage with natural history and experience challenging, thought-provoking encounters with the realities of life 100, 500 or 10,000 years ago.
At the centre of the Museum is a world-class immersive experience focussing on the Stone of Scone, or the Stone of Destiny. Used in the coronation of the first King of Scotland, Kenneth McAlpin, the Stone has been part of the coronation ceremony of British monarchs since it was stolen by Edward I in the fourteenth century. We have worked closely with the Museum to develop an immersive AV experience using sound, light and projection to tell the story of the Stone and do justice to this incredible artefact.
Service: Exhibition Design
Client: Perth and Kinross Council
Realisation: 2024